New residents

New residents

Welcome to Whitworth West. This page contains information to help you settle into your home.

Living in a communal building means we have to be tolerant and respectful of each other. Each apartment owner and resident has to abide by the terms of a leasehold or tenancy agreement and some of the key points are included on this website.

If you have queries that aren’t answered here, please contact the concierge or our managing agent. We hope you find the website useful.

The concierge is your day-to-day point of contact and advice for living at W3. They help us to look after building security, ensure waste and recycling is processed, and manage incoming parcels on behalf of residents.

Please read the Information for Residents and Owners page, and familiarise yourself with locations of fire exits, lifts and chutes.

Non-residents are not allowed to "cold call" apartments (conduct surveys, canvass or attempt to sell goods & services) and junk mail & leaflets are not allowed in the post room.


Please keep noise to an acceptable level, particularly in the common areas (corridors, lifts, garden etc) between 23:00 and 07:00. You are responsible for disposing properly of your waste and recycling. The concierge can advise where and how to do this.


Air BnB and short-term lets are prohibited under the terms of residential leases. Tenants who sublet apartments in these circumstances are likely to have their tenancy agreement cancelled. Owners who sublet in this way may ultimately forfeit their lease. 


You automatically become a member of Whitworth West Management Company when you purchase an apartment. If you would like more information about the company and its Board of Directors please contact our managing agent and we will be in touch.

Anyone wishing to be more actively involved in the building is very welcome.

Please ensure you regularly maintain fixtures and fittings in your apartment. This helps us to minimise inter-apartment issues such as leaks, which can be costly and time-consuming to resolve, and may be recharged to you.

The concierge holds a list of contractors who can provide maintenance services.


Your landlord is your main contact for any issues relating to your apartment (e.g. leaks, maintenance). They will also provide new/updated keys, fobs and details of car park access if this applies to your apartment.

Student-specific information is available at the  two main university sites

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