W3 history

History of W3 site

W3 was built in two phases between 2001-2002, but for many years it was a car park before then. The site used to be St Mary’s Hospital. It opened in 1904 and was the main maternity hospital for Manchester until it relocated to its current site in the 1970s. 


Whitworth Street West (where W3 is now located) was originally called Gloucester Street until 1899, when it was renamed following the death of the famous engineer Sir Joseph Whitworth.

  • St Mary's hospital from Oxford Street

    A view of the corner of Oxford Street and Whitworth Street West

  • St Mary's hospital

    The main entrance to the hospital

  • St Mary's hospital from Oxford Street/Whitworth Street junction

    A view of the hospital from the diagonally opposite corner (now outside Volta in the Principal hotel)

  • St Mary's hospital and the Palace theatre

    View from Oxford Road facing the entrance to the Principal hotel, looking up Oxford Street. St Mary's is on the left and the original Palace theatre is on the right

  • Palace theatre from Station Approach

    The building on the right is now MMU student workspace (previously the Cornerhouse)

  • The Ritz on Whitworth Street West

    Now a live venue and nightclub, the Ritz started as a dancehall

  • Demolition of the hospital

    St Mary's being demolished

  • Demolition of the hospital

    St Mary's being demolished

  • Car park

    View of the car park from the opposite corner outside what is now Volta

  • Car park

    The corner of Oxford Road/Street and Whitworth Street West, a car park for many years after the hospital was demolished

  • Car park

    The site as a car park

  • Whitworth West today

    View of W3 with the old Cornerhouse cinema in the foreground

  • Whitworth West today

    View of the W3 building from outside Volta

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