Maintenance and Contractors

Maintenance and Contractors

W3​ employs a range of contractors to perform regular and ad-hoc maintenance tasks for us including general building upkeep, garden area, fire safety and window cleaning.

Window cleaning

External windows are cleaned by abseiling down the building. Dates for window cleaning will be made available to residents. You are responsible for cleaning the inside of your windows.

Apartment access

Sometimes we need access to your apartment to perform safety checks such as testing smoke detectors. You will be notified in advance of proposed dates. Please ensure the contractors can do the required checks to keep costs to a minimum and keep the building safe.

Engaging your own contractors

If you engage your own contractors they are welcome to park in your designated carpark space, if you have one. Otherwise they will need to park offsite - the loading bay is only available for bringing in materials, not parking vehicles, and requires 2 weeks notice. The loading bay will become more accessible for contractors once all the fire remediation works have been completed.

All contractors visiting site must register with the concierge and wear a visitor armband to support building security.

Please ensure they take their waste with them and minimise disruption to other residents. 

Your responsibilities

Owners are responsible for ensuring their apartments are maintained. If you are an owner please ensure your water tank and water supply are checked at least annually and proof of the inspection is obtained. Any electrical changes must be done by a qualified professional. ​

If you are a tenant, please notify your landlord if you become aware of any problems with electricity or water.

Water leaks between apartments are a significant issue and can cause costly damage. Where leaks are caused by lack of maintenance, W3 will seek to recharge all communal costs to owners.

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