Fire Alarm Activation

Fire Alarm Activation

The fire alarm is tested on a Tuesday between 14:55 and 15:05. During this time the alarm may be activated several times as the test involves the residential alarms, Sainsbury's and Manchester Apartments.

If the alarm sounds continuously for more than 60 seconds during this test period, or if the alarm sounds at any other time, irrespective of the duration, all residents, visitors and contractors must immediately evacuate the building by the nearest fire exit.

The assembly point is on the pavement, opposite the Ritz  - do not remain inside any part of W3.

You must only return to the building when advised it is safe to do so.

Each apartment has a number of smoke / fire / heat detection devices and internal alarm sounders - these must never be covered up, tampered with or disconnected. The central alarm panel in W3 Reception reports all faults and these will be investigated. If any apartment is found to have interferred with the detection or alarm systems this will be reported to the Landlord as a potential breach of lease.

The position of the fire exits are shown in this diagram. The carpark has a number of specific exits and the roller shutter door will default to open in the event of an alarm activation.

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