
Dear Residents,

Please find attached a copy of the new buildings and terrorism insurance documents for the policy period 1st July 2023 – 30th June 2024. 

Please also find the claims procedure outlining how to make a claim in the unfortunate event this is needed.

It is unfortunately the case that insurers are seeing increases in the number and value of claims from residential property. This in turn impacts the premiums and excess levels they can offer. In order to help mitigate further claims, we ask that you please take some time to read the attached “How you can help” guide which outlines efficient and economical steps you can take to protect against insurance claims and avoid the inconvenience of these, which hopefully reduce future premiums.

We thank you for your assistance.

Whitworth West Management Company Ltd

1 - Certificate of Insurance - Asset-51_Whitworth_Street_West-Exp_Jun_2024.pdf

2 - Buildings Insurance, how you can help - BUILDINGS INSURANCE - HOW YOU CAN HELP.pdf

3 - Terrorism and sabbotage policy wording - LGREAC Terrorism and Sabotage 2022-23 Policy Wording GBP 100M.pdf

4 - Asset II All risks policy wording  - Rendall & Rittner - Asset II Policy Wording.pdf

5 - Portfolio claims procedure - Rendall & Rittner Portfolio Claims Procedure Guide.pdf

6 - Terrorism Certificate of Insurance - Terrorism_Sabotage_(LREAC_Policy)-51_Whitworth_Street_West-Exp_Jun_2024.pdf

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